Here is the Privacy Policy for the HUBDIC Smart Hub App :

Collection and Use of Personal Information

The Smart Hub app does not collect or use any user's personal information. The app is used solely for the purpose of connecting and controlling devices via Bluetooth. Therefore, no user's personal information, login information, or other sensitive data is collected or stored.

Login and Account Information

The Smart Hub app does not require login. No user account information is requested, and users can use the app anonymously.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

The Smart Hub app does not share or disclose user information to third parties.


The Smart Hub app makes efforts to protect user's personal information. However, users should be aware of security issues related to Bluetooth connections and device control. The app does not encrypt communication with connected devices.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy or need more information, you can contact us at the following email address:

Email: [email protected]

The Privacy Policy has been established to protect the privacy of Smart Hub app users. Thank you for complying with it and for using the app.